Flower pots made in Italy

Flower pots

A garden in a vase - Plants have always been thought of as the ideal complement for all furnishing styles, whether classical or modern. They blend perfectly and give colour and warmth to even the most impersonal surroundings. If positioned in strategic points, they can also furnish bare and empty corners.

More or less everyone feels the need to possess a relaxing and inviting piece of nature. Thanks to the possibility of growing flowers in vases, even city dwellers can treat themselves to the joy of refined and creative gardening by decorating balconies, terraces and windowsills with extremely original flower arrangements. A sheltered patio, warmed by the summer sun, is perfect for creating a small but colourful garden in the home. Even plants that are unsuitable for the local climate can be grown in vases.

Flower vases should not be considered as simple containers acting as substitutes for real land. There are flower vases of all shapes and sizes which are therefore always suitable for the specific requirements of plants, our personal taste and the aesthetic context to which they belong.

These pewter vases for flowers and plants are dedicated to all those who wish to create a beautiful garden in the home. Flower vases, watering cans, flower pots, as well as the tankards and pitchers from our collection, blend in perfectly with a wide variety of floral settings, giving a touch of refined originality to every "piece of nature".

A garden in a vase is like a world in a grain of sand, a concentrated universe!